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RascomStar-Qaf is an African company based in Mauritius, which operates under a concession from Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM), an intergovernmental treaty organization representing the interests of 45 African telecommunications operators. The company’s shareholders are RASCOM, Libya Africa Investment Portfolio (LAIP), and Thales Alenia Space. RascomStar-Qaf’s prime objective is to provide satellite capacity and telecommunication services for national and international public communications service providers across the continent of Africa. RascomStar-Qaf launched its first satellite RASCOM-QAF1 on Ariane V in December 2007. This high performance satellite provides pan-African coverage with multiple Ku- and C-band spot beam transponders until its transition to equivalent service on the RASCOM -QAF1R satellite to be launched in mid-2010.

The Company is responsible for the financing, design, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the Space Segment as well as for the launching of the Satellites, all at the Company’s own Cost and risk. It's responsible for the design and the development of the Ground Segment which adress Telco’s Integrated Communication Services and Thin Route Trunking Business.

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  1. Doni Ind // July 15, 2009 at 11:14 AM  

    jalan jalan disini juga ah


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