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On-Device Services (ODS) solution to drive mass market adoption and usage of mobile internet

Dublin, Ireland,30 November 2010 – Gateway Communications, the leading supplier of pan-African telecommunications services and Cibenix , an Irish-based mobile software and On-Device Services (ODS) vendor, have finalised a partnership agreement that will result in the provision of enhanced value added services to Africa and the Middle East.

The combination of the Cibenix ODS platform with Gateway Communications’ market experience and wide-reaching customer base, will allow mobile network operators to launch compelling on-device solutions that will generate revenue and contribute to cost savings. This will be achieved through increased consumer data usage, monetised online content and embedded advertising. The ODS service also provides opportunities for improving subscriber management and user experience.

“The benefits of our ODS solution for the operator and the consumer in other emerging markets have already been proven, through deployment in countries such as India. We are delighted to now be co-operating with Gateway Communications to bring the same solution to Africa and the Middle East,” says Gerry Jones, Chairman, Cibenix. “Market trends including mobile usage of social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter, and consumer acceptance of application downloads, open new opportunities for mobile operators. Our partnership with Gateway Communications enables us to deliver on these opportunities for operators in the African and Middle Eastern markets.”

The solution being provided by Gateway Communications and Cibenix provides operators with a number of off-the-shelf product offerings:

· ‘ODS Connect’ allows for the seamless integration and on-device aggregation of popular social network destinations - a proven traffic generator for operators.

· ‘ODS SelfCare’ provides subscribers with quick and easy access to account and billing information, device settings, updates and FAQs.

· ‘ODS Storefront’ supports consumer discovery, preview and purchase of content and services.

· ‘ODS Widgets’ gives subscribers access to the operator’s own widgets, as well as third party widgets.

· ‘ODS Launcher’ provides a single point on the device for users to manage their digital lifestyles, through updating applications, links and bookmarks.

· ‘ODS Advertise’ provides seamless insertion of advertising throughout the above product offerings,providing a direct revenue stream and enabling operator branding.

“Gateway Communications and Cibenix have similar values and strategic objectives,” says Mike van den Bergh, CEO of Gateway Communications. “We both aim to identify and respond to the needs of the market, embrace innovation and keep our focus on customer experience. Gateway Communications looks forward to a long-term partnership with Cibenix , one that will continue to grow as the telecommunications industry expands and evolves.”

The ODS platform is currently available in markets across Africa and the Middle East. To find out more go to:

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