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Together with The Department of Communication and Informatika of the Republic Indonesia (Depkominfo), Media Citra Indostar (MCI) will launch the Indostar II / ProtoStar II Satellite in March 2009. The Indostar II satellite is the new generation of Indostar I/Cakrawarta I, which has served Indonesia since the launching on 1997 and the operation period will be ended soon.

The capacity of this satellite is doubled compare to the previous one before, and will serves about 120 channels with MPEG-2 technology and 140 channels with MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, and also will serve 2(two) pay TV, local television and radio link. Same as the Indostar I satellite, the Indostar II /ProtoStar II satellite is the only satellite that broadcasts in Indonesia which taking place at the orbital S-band that endurance to climate change and 2.5GHz for its frequency.

The purpose of this launching of the Indostar II Satellite will improve the service in the broadcasting industry in Indonesia as well as to give a bigger chance for the content business.

“At least for Depkominfo this will force and as well as facilitate the broadcasting industry for better growing”, said Communication and Informatica Ministry (Menkominfo), M.Nuh to the journalist, Wed (19/11).

Couple times ago Menkominfo and SKDI Depkominfo, Freddy Tulung saw the making of satellite at Boeing in Los Angeles, USA. It will take time about 20 months, on the other hand the launching it self will be done in Kazakhstan, exactly in Baikonour City. “The footprint” of the satellite will not only in Indonesia but more over to the countries around Asia such as Philippine, India, China and more.

The value of satellite has accomplished it, is about US$300 million, it said by the Director of the PT. MNC SkyVision, Rudi Tanoesoedibjo in press conference at the Depkominfo Building, Jakarta, Wed (19/11). The transponder capacity of Ku-band is 10 pieces, which are, double from the Indostar I satellite capacity with a better signal. And also provides 12 pieces of Ku-band will direct to India and 10 pieces will direct to Indonesia and Taiwan.

Rudi Tanoesoedibjo convinced, satellite with that great ability, many broadcast company will invest in Indostar II satellite, also known that about 10 foreign canal company have proposed to us, He said.

The launching of Indostar II satellite will be held on March 2009, and will be witness by several Universities, in order to introduce the first digital technology in broadcasting industry. Source :

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