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This section is very important. It presents and describes some things you should understand, in order to become skilled at properly pointing your HughesNet satellite dish. The following are discussed, as well as the methods used for measuring the relevant values, and why this is important:
- Co-pol - The desirable transmitted signal
- Cross-pol - The interfering transmitted signal
- Signal quality - The received signal

Pointing the Antenna Properly
TV satellites transmitting their signal to the earth have a large footprint. As long as you are in that footprint, it is a relatively easy task to aim towards the satellite and acquire the signal. Transmitting a signal back is a much more precise task.

Satellites in geostationary orbit, like the HughesNet satellites, are spaced approximately 45-50 miles apart. If you draw a straight line between your dish and the satellite, it will be about 22,300 miles long. If you move your dish even one degree off peak, the other end of your line will have wandered off target, by approximately 389 miles.

There is also the very real possibility that if your antenna is not pointed or aligned correctly, you could be firing a high frequency transmission to an adjacent satellite and potentially disrupting service to thousands of its users. This is referred to as Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI).

This is a very serious issue to satellite operators and is why it is so critical that your dish is correctly pointed, locked down tight, and stabilized properly.

A properly pointed antenna has the strongest possible received and transmitted signals (signal quality and co-pol, respectively). And, it creates the least possible interference for other users on the satellite (cross-pol).

Note: The most important thing to remember is that a properly pointed antenna doesn't waste bandwidth or interfere with your own or others' transmissions. This means a better online experience for everyone. And, most important in properly pointing the antenna is minimizing the cross-pol or interfering signal

From: Satellite Mobility Support Network (SMSN) HughesNet User Guide

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