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North Korea's official news agency said the Taepodong-2 rocket placed a satellite in orbit that is now broadcasting revolutionary songs. The Pentagon claimed the launch failed and the rocket broke up and fell into the Pacific Ocean.

The image was taken from an altitude of 308 miles (496km) by the WorldView-1 satellite moments after the rocket blasted off at 11.10am local time.

A satellite image showing what is believed to be the exhaust trail and part of a North Korean rocket launched on April 5. The company that took the photograph, DigitalGlobe, describes it as “a panchromatic, 50 centimeter (1.6 foot) high-resolution WorldView-1 satellite image showing the rocket launch from the Musudan Ri.

Musudan Ri, is a rocket launching site in North Korea. It lies in southern North Hamgyong province, near the northern tip of the East Korea Bay. The area was formerly known as Taep'o-dong (대포동).

The WorldView-1 satellite is operated by the US imaging company Digital Globe, which snapped the North Korean rocket on its launchpad last week using another satellite called Quickbird. Allison Puccioni, a senior image analyst for IHS Jane's, said it was the first time a satellite had captured a rocket mid-launch.

Source The New York Times,The Guardian

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