Director, Space and Advanced Communications Research Institute (SACRI)
The George Washington University
Since the mid-1990s the U.S. Government and military forces have placed more and more reliance on commercial satellite systems for military communications of a nontactical nature. Requirements such as the U.S. Armed Forces Radio and Television require a great deal of bandwidth but do not require any special security protection.
In the post 9/11 environment there are also now growing requirements for secure messaging involving homeland security. These communications typically do require highly protected fiber or military satellite facilities with 132 bit digital encryption, but still require a reasonably high level of security. In some cases these services can be made available via commercial satellite systems. Beyond the American-based military, governmental and security satellite requirements there are many other military, security, police, fire and peace-keeping telecommunications requirements around the world that can and will also be met on commercial satellite systems. Such requirements today represent a very high percent of commercial satellite system growth.
Source: Futron Corporation, Satellite Industry Statistics Survey 1997 (conducted
for Satellite Industry Association by Futron Corporation), with thanks to
Aerospace America ’s annual series of reports on national expenditures on space
The result has been that governmental and military services requirements for satellites continue to represent a very substantial portion of all commercial satellite services and satellite systems have had to adapt to this situation in terms of capacity availability, flexibility of geographic capability, and certain types of encryption and security requirements. Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) services that have represented a substantial share of satellite system growth in the past three years have been deployed to meet military requirements.
Commerical Satellites: How to Provide IP Security and Still Maintain Transmission Efficiency
One of the key challenges for commercial satellite systems that are providingdual use capability is to provide reliability, high efficiency and secure IP based serviceson which the entire world, including military forces increasingly rely. Here are the keysteps that can be undertaken to take broadband IP transmission on satellite networks towork effectively:q Break the TCP/IP end-to-end connection into three parts: the part before thesatellite link, the satellite link, and the part after the satellite link.q Put a TCP accelerator at each network node that uses the satellite link (This couldbe products such as the Mentat's SkyX product or the Via Sat Linkway product).q Use a block protocol with appropriate forward error correction.
These protocolsinclude a go back and retry mechanisms for the satellite link where there is a“perception of congestion” due to latency rather than cycling through a “slowrestart” process that would be normally associated with system congestion. Thisrequires the ability to perform protocol translation in the TCP accelerator boxes ateither end of the satellite link.q For end-to-end secure communications, this requires the choice of securityschemes that are compatible with above steps.Such accelerator systems that are compatible with military security systems areoperational on a number of commercial systems carrying “dual use” traffic.
Future Considerations
There are many complexities that arise from dual use of satellites and many who believe that use of commercial civilian telecommunications satellites to support military objectives, even those that are clearly non-conflict oriented such as television and radio entertainment programming, should not be allowed. M. Cervino, S. Corradini and S. S. Davolio, “Is the ‘Peaceful Use’ of Outer Space Being Ruled Out”, Space Policy, (November 2003) Vol. 19, No.4 pp. 231-237 have quite recently argued that mixing commercial and military roles in space makes the ultimate military use and “weaponization” of space just that much more easy.
They state : “Even if the ‘weaponization’ of outer space is still (just) taboo, the development of dual-use systems (that is space systems with both civilian and military uses) is starting to be widely implemented by European and national communities in reply to what is already happened in the USA. Dual-use, seemingly a ‘mild’ form of military activity, may be the Trojan horse that opens the way to other military uses aimed at confrontation and military superiority on Earth.” The market, technical and operational forces that support dual-use in commercial civilian satellite systems around the world are today very strong.
There can certainly be no doubt that blurring the lines between military, security and strictly civilian applications has it dangers for the satellite industry. Time will tell the extent to which these dangers become real or remain only theoretical.
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