Menara Thamrin lt.12 Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3, Jakarta 10250 Phone : (021) 230 2345 (Hunting) Fax : (021) 230 3883
Lintasarta founded in 1988, Structure of Share Holders :
PT (Persero) INDOSAT Tbk. (www.indosat.com) 72,36 %
Group of Foundation, Pension Fund and Cooperation 27,64%
Central Bank Employee Prosperity Foundation
PERBANAS Foundation
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Pension Fund
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) Employee Prosperity Foundation
Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) DKI Jakarta Pension Fund
PT TELKOM Employee Cooperation (KOPTEL)
PT INDOSAT Employee Cooperation (KOPINDOSAT)
LINTASARTA Employee Cooperation (KOPKARLA)
PT TELKOM Headquarter Employee Cooperation ( KOPEGTEL)
For more information please visit: http://www.lintasarta.net/Default.aspx?alias=www.lintasarta.net/en

Head Office:
Chase Plaza 16th floor.
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta - 12910 Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 5700194, 5208311
Fax : (62-21) 5704656
PT. SATKOMINDO MEDIYASABumi Daya Plaza Lt. 27 Jl. Imam Bonjol 61 Jakarta Pusat 10310Telp. (021) 398-34081Fax. (021) 230-5517Email : satkom@satkomindo.com
PT SATKOMINDO MEDIYASA is a telecommunication network infrastructure provider. We provide satellite based telecommunication services which is known as VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) and also terrestrial services.
The Hub and Network Operating Center or NOC along with main antennas by the diameter of 7.2 metres (with 170 watt of power) and 6.1 metres are located at Bumi Daya Plaza Building, Jalan Imam Bonjol 61, Jakarta Pusat 10310.
As network solution service provider, SATKOMINDO offers total service for company need in telecommunication network, starting from network requirement identification, traffic pattern measurement, bandwidth requirement calculation , network design, implementation plan, instalation rolling out, network integration, monitoring and controlling, to network maintenance.
Employing latest technology, SATKOMINDO offers the best and comprehensive solution for satellite and terrestrial based telecommunication services in various scope of business, such as : Banking Industry, Financial and Insurance Services, Retail and Distribution Industry, Oil Drilling and Mining Industry, Plantation, Manufacturing Industry and others.
For more information please visit:http://www.satkomindo.com/
PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN)
HEADQUARTER: Kawasan Karyadeka PancamurniBlok A Kav. 3 LemahabangBekasi 17550INDONESIA 62.21.8990 8111 (Telephone)62.21.8990 8110 (Fax)
PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) is the first private satellite telecommunications company in Indonesia and a leading Asian provider of a full range of satellite-based telecommunication services, including both fixed and mobile telephony services.
PSN has capitalized on the technological and financial support of its experienced shareholders. PSN's major shareholders reflect a complementary balance of Indonesian and foreign representation.
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom)Indonesia's national telecommunications carier. Telkom was the first regional provider of satellite services specifically for Asia, with the launch of Palapa A satellite fourteen years ahead of Asiasat 1. Telkom is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange and Jakarta Stock Exchange.
Hughes Space and Communications International, Inc.a subsidiary of General Motor Hughes Electronics Corporation is engaged in a broad array of space-based business. Hughes has over thirty years of experience manufacturing and selling commercial communications satellites and is an industry leader in the satellite business.
Telesat Canadaa Canadian national communications carier, providing telecommunications and broadcast distribution services throughout North America. Telesat is also a leading provider of satellite communications and satellite system management.
There is great potential for growth in the Asian telecommunication and broadcast markets, which will fuel demand for telecommunication infrastructure. The prospects are particularly attractive for satellite infrastructure, given the large geographic region with many islands and the prevalence of underdeveloped basic terrestrial telephone networks.
Moreover, tremendous advances in satellite technology have led to larger and more powerful satellites enabling earth stations to become smaller, less expensive and more affordable for customers. PSN's deployment of such satellite technology firmly positions the company to meet Asia's growing demand for affordable and reliable telecommunication and broadcast services.
Wisma BCA 16th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. : 22-23, Jakarta 12920
Telp. : (62-21) 522-4750 Fax. : (62-21) 522-4745
is a Satellite Communication services provider that transmitting digital information within the region and around the world.
RINTIS SEJAHTERA offers customers a variety of telecommunications services tailored to today's fast-paced, international business world. RINTIS SEJAHTERA can help and implement selected topology of network suited into customers MIS organization and indicate how to get the most out of it. Once it is implemented an in operation, RINTIS SEJAHTERA will make sure customers business communication system will not be interrupted.
As a domestic and international satellite communication carrier, RINTIS SEJAHTERA is a best cost effective commercial resource for the satellite transmission capacity. These will provides complete services, equipment and expertise's required for any phase of satellite communications.
Private businesses as well as corporations served by RINTIS SEJAHTERA directly. They used to take advantage of a variety of communication service offering.
RINTIS SEJAHTERA services have been accepted as high quality, cost effective and feature rich systems. RINTIS SEJAHTERA is best chosen not just for quality products, but also for being reliable in term of delivery, installation and maintenance services.
It takes a dedicated force of professionals, in area of sales, marketing, customer services, and customer support. RINTIS SEJAHTERA committed to operate around the clock consistently to ensure that the services are continuously is operation, even when the customers are off.
For more information please visit: http://www.rintis.co.id/
Jl. Tanah Abang II No.43
Jakarta 10160
is an Indonesian private company incorporated in 2003 and obtained Telecommunications Network Operator license number 2004 dated 21 May 2004 from Indonesia's Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Since its starts is operation last June 2004 AKU had installed hunderd of VSAT terminal allover Indonesia.
AKU offers cost effective and reliable Two Way Satellite Broadband Service in servicing broadband aplications such as internet, Video conferencing, video on demand, internet telephony, SCADA and more. By utilizing a satellite platform, the bottlenecks associated with the terrestrial infrastructure is bypassed.
Product and Services
- Broadband point-to-multipoint VSAT connection based upon IP protocol.
- Point-to-point VSAT connection based upon IP protocol
- Point to point clear channel connection
Not limited to its basic services, AKU had collaborated with other network and services operator and basically AKU can offer any combined services with optical fiber, ATM and other network operators as well as application services providers
Typical usage includes
- Internet connection
- Virtual LAN/ Corporate Wide Area Network
- Video conference
- High Speed Data communications
- IP based voice communication
- Online payment point
- Remote monitoring and Control/SCADA.
For more information please visit: http://www.aku.co.id/profile.php
Jl.Puspa Niaga Blok 402 No.D1
Sektor Komersial III-A, Bumi Serpong Damai
Tangerang 15321 - Indonesia
Phone :+62-21 5370907
Fax : +62-21 5372325
The company founded on May 1996 and obtained closed user group VSAT license by Departemen Pariwisata, Pos & Telekomunkasi Indonesia and start operation on January 1997.
April 2001, the company was awarded Public VSAT Provider License by Departemen Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. Fully owned by Indopacific Group.
Product and Services
Sanatel Broadband
A TDM/TDMA VSAT shared HUB VSAT network with IP based protocol, outbound channel capacity up to 24 Mbps and inbound capacity 256 Kbps, the system fits in centralized applications whether interactive transaction applications or web-based applications.
This is the best solution for banking & financial industries, distribution and retail industries. The system provides a highly secure private network. In addition, the system has the capability for FTP, HTTP, real audio/voice and video services, multi-caching and TCP spoofing.
Sanatel VSAT-Net
A TDM/TDMA VSAT shared HUB VSAT which support interfaces such Serial Interface (RS-232) and Ethernet Interface (10 Base T RJ-45) also perfect solution for legacy protocol including X.25, SNA SDLC, Asynchronous and IP. The outbound capacity is 512 kbps while inbound capacity is multiples of 128 kbps. The system suits interactive transactions and is the best solution for centralized applications, which have efficient bandwidth. It is suitable for banking & financial industries, distribution, retail industries and point of sales applications.
Sanatel SCPC
Based on SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier) technology, SCPC vsat is a point-to-point communications system for data or voice communication or video teleconferencing. SCPC vsat is very effective for applications needing wide bandwidth and high performance. Support bandwidth from 32 Kbps - 2 Mbps per link. Commonly used in communication between company headquarters and factories or branch offices.
For more information please visit : http://www.sanatel.com/main.htm
Gedung Istana Kana 3rd Floor
Jl. R. P. Soeroso No. 24
Phone: 62-21-3900033, 62-21-3900039
Fax. : 62-21-3905621, 62-21-3160215
Mitrakom a subsidiary of Elang Mahkota Teknologi Group (EMTEK) was founded in early 1998.With the mission to provide total communication solutionto our customer which include satellite based and
terrestrial based communications between a customer’s central location and their geographically dispersed sites. Emtek Group itself has been providing total IT Solutions since 1983 which includes areas in: Infrastructure, Telecommunication, Banking, Corporate Network, Oil and Mining System Solutions and as well as IT Education.
Therefore to provide such services Mitrakom is supported by highly qualified vendor and group support.
From several options in providing communication services, since mid of year 1998, Mitrakom was granted principal licence from the Ministry of Transportation to provide Satellite Telecommunication (VSAT) Services. And since early 1999 Mitrakom obtained licence to operate the Telecommunication Services of VSAT.
For more information please visit http://www.mitrakom.co.id/
PT. Patra Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PATRAKOM)
Kwarnas Building 17th Floor
JI. Medan Merdeka Timur No.6, Jakarta 10110
Telp.: (62-21) 352-1915
Fax.: (62-21) 350-2120
E-mail: marketing@patrakom.co.id
For more information please visit : http://www.patrakom.co.id
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