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by : Daniswara Pandina (PT. Telkomsel Indonesia)

Start in 2008, costly network will not longer be the first issue as Telkomsel, introduced its innovative rural solution by using IP Pico BTS over VSAT IP Transmission- It’s opportunity for Industry!!

Telkomsel is the biggest GSM Operator in Indonesia with mobile subs 58 million in urban and Suburban. 13.000 site will be deployed till the end of 2008, including in outer islands and Indonesian border.

The solution gives deployment advantages for rural connectivity, It will open new possibilities for industry to reevaluate rural market by providing expandable GSM hotspot.

Network Configuration

Network Info

Deployment Advantages


Pico Cell/ BTS GSM, 1TRX


No Tower

Fast Install,

Low Power,

Low Capex,

Low Opex,

No Dependencies on Geography, Low cost transmission backhaul, Hotspot Coverage approach



IP BSC connected to MSC

Telkomsel and IP VSAT

satellite system




Gov. Elcty/Battery back up

charged & discharged by Solar Cell System.

In July 2008, Telkomsel announce its program to provide rural connectivity with project called “Telkomsel Merah Putih”. The programs run to be complementary to USO (Universal Service Obligation). Program held by government : Up to 13.000. sites will be deployed by the solution until the end of 2009.

The solution technology is PICO GSM IP BTS platform over VSAT IP transmission. All solution powered by Solar Cell where government electricity does not exist; Voice & data over 2G ; The program is Key initiative to help the nation and solve first issue in providing connectivity in rural Area as well as to penetrate new market.

ICT industry in Indonesia is now ready to engage the nation’s connectivity by low cost and effective solution. rural connectivity is never ending process.

Raise the potential undeveloped local community at of community, and the same time create new business. By cooperation between industry, government and local community can create value for all and inspire private sector to participate participate.

It is proven that rural market could be profitable with the right approach, although difficulties and challenges in developing economies still have to be overcome.

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