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Ambassador Cameron R. Hume met Ibu Tinung Sulistyani, Corporate Account Manager for PT Indosat, before leaving for the U.S. to take part in the FORTUNE/U.S. Department of State Women Leaders Mentoring Partnership. Ibu Tinung is one of 35 women selected from among hundreds of nominees submitted by U.S. Embassies worldwide. During her one-month program, she will “shadow” Jan A. Bertsch, Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Chrysler LLC. The U.S. Embassy is hosting Ibu Tinung's blog, so Indonesian business students learn about her activities during her program. (source http://jakarta. usembassy. gov/)

About PT. Indosat
PT Indosat Tbk was established in 1967 as a foreign investment company to provide international telecommunications services in Indonesia, commencing its operations in 1969 with the inauguration of the Jatiluhur earth station.
Satellite Connection and Transponder Rental
Indosat provides satellite technology to fulfill the high corporate demand for reliable broadcasting telecommunication technology for both technology applications and wide coverage. This satellite service involves rental of a specified bandwidth from the Palapa C2 satellite to companies in Indonesia.

One of Indosat’s services that is based on this technology is the Indosat Telecast that allows customers – especially news agencies, news broadcasters and event organisers – to send on-field news faster to national and international correspondences.
Satellite is not only for broadcasting but also for smooth corporate data transmission.

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